THE figures given by Mr White in his letter regarding Christian defections have no value as there is no back-up information on whether their leaving is temporary or permanent.

The source of both religion and science is God. The conflict between them is man-made.

What is true from a religious point of view is also true from a scientific point of view because truth cannot contradict itself.

An American scientist when speaking at a Royal Society function was asked: ‘What the function of a scientist was’. Her reply was: “To discover the laws of nature and be able to explain them.”

Charles Darwin (Origin of Species) wrote that all life on earth descended from a single cell life (spontaneous generation) 3.5 million years ago.

The theory is refuted by the first Law of Thermodynamics which states that matter cannot be created under natural circumstances.

Therefore there had to be an “outside agent” who we know as God.

Darwin’s single cell life theory is refuted by a second Law of Thermodynamics which states that any disorder in a system will increase rather than decrease. Again, the order in nature implies the existence of an “outside agent” who we know as God.

When DNA was discovered in 1952 it was described as a highly complex modern cellular ‘phone, capable of sending digital codes to other digital ‘phones, at the same time acting as a computer storing medium for each human being.

It is another example that DNA could not have evolved by spontaneous generation.

Darwin’s theories are both atheistic and unproven. There are many people who are both acclaimed scientists and devoted Christians.

The time will come when Richard Dawkins will stand before the judgment seat of God and be judged by the very God he said did not exist.

DERMOT R CARROLL, Wilkins Road, Cowley