The careers fair for Headington School took place in the Hive Gallery and the Main Hall on the 28th of February. 

The Headington Careers Fair ran from 6:30pm to 8pm and it included a variety of different stalls and booths introducing and providing guidance on important questions such as “What should I put on my CV?”, “How do I narrow down what to do?” and other practical questions that would otherwise be difficult to find realistic advice on. 60 different representatives of subjects and career paths such as physiotherapy, software engineering, museum curation and more attended the question and answer type event. Other than the valuable information, refreshments were offered. 

There was a great range of visitors with some of them being past students of Headington school. Students were encouraged to consult them about worries, ambitions and inquiries about specifics. Doctors, oceanographers and solicitors alike gathered in the Emma Watson Gallery to discuss job prospects and their careers. 

Personally I thought that this event allowed students to be given the opportunity to practise the skill of social networking which is an essential part of job searching and exchanging important ideas. The Careers Fair also allowed us to explore possible job experience, internships and potential volunteering chances.

Reportedly, students have said that the exposure to people of different expertise and of different professions allowed them to expand their ideas of what they may be interested in the future. The Careers Fair was certainly a memorable experience to many and provided lots of details to all.