In the UK, Year 10 is the Year right before GCSEs. It can be difficult to find a balance between leisure activities and schoolwork and a social life. It is important to have a healthy mix of activities and social interactions despite busyness although it can be difficult. 

Here is some advice which can help you enjoy Year 10 as well as do well in school work. 


First of all, make sure to ask for help whenever you need it. It is essential that you ask for help especially when you are feeling overwhelmed or if you have classwork that you don’t understand. This is because once you get to your GCSE year, it will be more difficult to catch up on work that you don’t know how to do. It is more effective to ask for help early on and spend more time consolidating on the information. There is no point in feeling embarrassed to ask for help especially if it is frequently as it is nothing wrong or shameful. It will only be more difficult to not understand the topic and have to find someone to help at the last minute, or even end up not knowing it on the test!


It is also important that you do your best to be ahead or at least hand in your work on time. This does not mean you have to be perfect. All this means is that you should do your best with your work and hand it in on time. If there is a difficulty, it will be easier to ask a teacher for help if you have plenty of time left and not the minute before class. It is okay and definitely good to take rests but there is a difference between resting and procrastinating. Yes, many people procrastinate, but make an effort not to do so. If you don’t like the class very much, it is fine but make sure to try in it still. Not liking a class may be a reason why one doesn’t try as hard but it isn’t necessarily a valid excuse. 

Although academics may be a priority. It should not be the ONLY priority. Find time to engage in personal hobbies and interests in your free time. You may think that you are “too busy” to maybe play a little football or go to the city centre but to work well you have to have the mental state to do so. Rest a little when it is needed and chat to friends to destress. 

Lastly, It is important to make sure that if you are feeling stressed out from work to reach out to a trusted adult. Relying on your friends can feel helpful but if a situation is too difficult to manage or is causing you to feel highly anxious, it would be good to mention it to an adult. 

No matter what results you get, as long as you’ve tried it is fine.