Public notices are issued by local authorities in Oxfordshire each week.

Last week, the notices, which cover roadworks, in addition to both licensing and planning applications, included details of the Councillors' Allowances Scheme.

Oxfordshire County Council gave notice that they considered the recommendations of an Independent Remuneration Panel and adopted a new scheme of councillors' allowances which applies from 1 April 2022.

The council considered the recommendations at its meeting on November 2, 2021.

These are set out below: 

Basic allowances


Special Responsibility Allowances (in addition to the basic allowance)

Leader of the Council


Deputy Leader of the Council


Cabinet Members


Leader of Opposition


Shadow Cabinet


Chairs of Scrutiny Committees


Chair of Planning & Regulation Committee


Chair of Audit & Governance


Chair of Pension Fund Committee


Chair of Renumeration Committee

No allowance

Chair of the Council


Vice-Chair of the Council


Third Party Leader

No allowance

Locality Meeting Chair


Police & Crime Panel Member

No allowance

Police & Crime Panel Chair


Police of Crime Panel Vice-Chair

No allowance

Chair of the Oxfordshire Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Chair of the Horton Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Adoption & Fostering Panels

£100 per Panel with a cap at £1,200 per year

Co-optee's Allowance to an Independent co-opted member of the Audit & Governance Committee when the co-opted member serves as Chair of the Audit Working Group,


Child and Dependent Carer's Allowances

a. Child Care: the hourly rate is equivalent to the Oxford Living Wage, capped at £1,200 per year, payable on production of receipts.

b. Dependent Carer: the hourly rate is twice the Oxford Living Wage capped at £2,400 per year, payable on production of receipts.

These allowances will be increased annually in line with the percentage increase in staff salaries from May 2022 for a period of up to four years. After this period, the scheme shall be reviewed again by an independent remuneration panel.

Travelling and subsistence allowance will be payable to councillors and co-opted/ Independent Persons in connection with any approved duties. The amount of travel and subsistence payable shall continue to be at the maximum level payable to council staff in line with HM Revenue and Customs' rates.

Members of the public can view a copy of the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Oxfordshire County Council website.