PARENTS taking children out of class to go on holiday will divide opinion. On the face of it, taking kids on holiday in term time seems irresponsible.

Education is vitally important and schools need parents’ support if children are to achieve their potential.

However, as one head points out, family holiday time is important too.

Given the price of breaks in the school holidays, who can blame parents for seeking a cheaper deal? And for some, going during term time may be the only opportunity to have a holiday at all.

But the fact Oxfordshire schools have a higher rate of authorised absence than the national average raises a second issue.

In Oxfordshire, educational attainment in schools, particularly primary schools, is too low.

One head points to a clear correlation between attendance and achievement.

And both the city and county council are set to invest more cash in tackling the issue.

The drive to raise standards should leave no stone unturned and education officers and heads should look hard at the impact of authorised absence on pupils’ achievement.

It is a difficult balance to strike and ultimately headteachers have, and are best placed, to authorise such holidays.

They should do it on a case by case basis.