IN THE 18th century an entire Oxfordshire village was moved – because its owner considered it spoilt the view.

Exactly 250 years on, Nuneham Courtenay, is one of the county’s most picturesque spots – and villagers are celebrating its charms by wishing it a happy birthday.

It is hoped the entire village population – 185 people – will turn up to tomorrow’s party to mark the milestone.

Parish councillor Lauren Lister said: “The idea came from a resident who thought it might be nice to celebrate.

“Although it is only a small place there are still people here who never get the chance to meet their fellow villagers. So this will be a perfect opportunity.

“It should be a great opportunity for everyone to get together.

“Normally just a small number of people get involved, but there have been lots of volunteers which is a very good sign, so hopefully we will have a good turnout.

“We even have a couple of famous residents living here. I won't name them, but maybe they will turn up.”

Bunting already lines the main road which runs through the village in the build-up to the celebrations and there are a number of activities planned for the party.

Miss Lister, who has lived in the village for two years, said: “There will be a traditional sword dance, games, tractor rides, marquee set up and lots of activities for adults and children.

“There is a grassy area down by Church Row where we are holding the event and hopefully we will have good weather for it.”

Although Newenham, as it was formerly known, dates back to the 13th century, the hamlet was literally moved in 1760 as the first Earl Harcourt destroyed the original village because he felt it was ruining the views from his estate, which was built four years earlier.

Miss Lister added: “The village, as it originally was, is a lot older – but the Earl had most of it moved 250 years ago. He felt it was an eyesore from his estate, so he had the plebs moved.

“So it is from that time we are celebrating.”