HOSPITALITY and catering students are getting a taste of working life at Oxford & Cherwell Valley College.

From this month, about 60 students are running the canteen and cafeteria at the Broughton Road campus in Banbury.

It was last run by an external agency, whose workers are now employed by the college.

Learning manager Maxine Smith said: “This exciting new venture will involve our students in every aspect of running a busy, commercial cafeteria and canteen.

“Our staff teams will work alongside the students to support them as they oversee food orders, prepare, cook and serve the meals and snacks, and provide an excellent customer service.”

“It will offer them a fantastic grounding to give them the skills which employers demand and an excellent head start in their careers.”

Catering supervisor Lisa Comrie who has worked at the college canteen for eight years said: “It has so far been a really big success.

“The look on the students’ faces when they realise they have done a good job is amazing. They are proud.”