Sir – Regarding a recent decision by the special transport service of Oxfordshire County Council to charge an extra £5 to travel each day to attend a day centre at the begining of October.

I would like to point out that it is very unfair and also very short notice of only six weeks.

All pensioners are entitled to a bus pass which enables them to free travel. But if you need more help, due to mobility problems, we are discriminated against and now have to pay more.

I wish to attend a day centre, I cannot use ‘dial a ride’ as I need help and walk with a frame and this service is not for attending clubs.

I attend a club three times a week; if this charge goes ahead it will mean many of us cancelling one or two days a week so we can afford it.

We pay £10 a day already and it will increase to £15.

Many of us cannot afford the extra money, so we will sit alone all day and probably end up needing more care. Maybe they hope we will ‘pass on’. I want the transport department to rethink their decision and let us have a bit of freedom to attend a day centre. I am 84 years old.

Rowena Cobb, Southmoor