SEVEN people managed to escape a house fire last night.  

Two fire crews from Slade Park and Rewley Road were called to the property in Campbell Road at around 9.30pm.

A severe fire had taken hold of the ground floor of the house and there was a large volume of smoke coming from the back. 

All seven residents were already out of the house but several were suffering with smoke inhalation and the fire was being tackled from outside with a neighbour’s garden hose by several of the residents.

Incident Commander, Watch Manager Matt Dangerfield of Slade Park fire station White Watch said: “The smoke alarms alerted the occupiers to the fire and the use of a garden hose through an open window had helped control the fire until we arrived.

"However, an incident like this shows just how dangerous breathing in smoke from fire can be and we advise occupants not to delay in evacuating and never to re-enter a property when there is a fire. Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service urge everyone to have working smoke alarms fitted in their property, test them weekly and have an escape plan prepared should situations such as this occur."