A CHILDREN’S centre has been given a lift with a £1,000 cash injection.

The cash was arranged for Rose Hill and Littlemore Children’s Centre in Ashurst Way, Rose Hill, by city councillors Ed Turner and Michele Paule and county councillors Gill Sanders and John Tanner.

The centre will buy equipment for the centre’s satellite base at Littlemore Community Centre for play sessions there and the money has also supported two extra holiday play sessions for two-year-olds and their parents.

Ginnie Herbert, lead practitioner for Rose Hill and Littlemore Children’s Centre, said: “We are delighted. It is very helpful. We are very grateful.

“It is always great to have the extra resources for Littlemore and there have been items that we haven’t been able to buy that we now can, like bicycles and tricycles.

“Some of the nicer bits of play equipment are quite expensive.

“We are really pleased to be able to stock up with equipment for under-threes.”

The play sessions in Littlemore are held at the community centre in Giles Road on Tuesdays from 10am to 2.30pm and Thursdays from 9.30am to 2.30pm.

The two holiday sessions aim to help two-year-olds make the transition from the Bumblebee creche to the nursery at Rose Hill Primary School.

Ms Herbert said: “It is money very well spent and very beneficial for Rose Hill and Littlemore.”

Mrs Sanders, county councillor for the area, said: “It is a really worthwhile project, the children’s centre and the work they do. The centre is excellent.”

Rose Hill councillors Mr Turner and Ms Paule have also begun to hold monthly surgeries at the children’s centre to meet parents and discuss any issues.

Mr Turner said: “The children’s centre is a very helpful community facility and we wanted to make sure as councillors that we were accessible to people in the community and particularly to people with young children.

“We thought it would be a good opportunity to talk to people and get any feedback and any problems that they have.”

The surgeries started in June and the councillors have run three so far.

The next one at the children’s centre is on Wednesday, October 2 at 10.30am and Monday, November 4 at 10.30am.

For details of the children’s centre activities call 01865 716739.