Trevor Marriott is a retired British police murder squad detective, and leading Ripper expert, who since 2002 has been conducting a cold case re-investigation into The Whitechapel Murders of 1888.

In case this doesn’t ring any bells yet, the crimes were attributed to a fearsome killer who came to be known as Jack the Ripper.

For the past 125 years this mystery has captivated the imagination of people worldwide with more than 100 books published and numerous films and television documentaries. Many have over-dramatised and distorted the facts to the point that the public now accepts the fiction more readily than the facts.

However, Trevor’s results have dispelled many of the original theories readily accepted as fact for more than a century.

It was generally accepted that ‘Jack’ only killed five prostitutes between August and November 1888, but Trevor has uncovered other murders outside of those dates both in London and in the USA and Germany. This led to a new suspect emerging who had never been mentioned before who had been arrested for committing a Ripper-like murder in the USA.

His one-man show Jack the Ripper – a 21st Century Investigation comes to The Mill next Friday. And it must be the first show at the Mill which comes complete with this warning: “Original crime scene and post-mortem pictures of a graphic nature will be shown which some may find disturbing.”

Trevor’s ongoing investigation has disproved the accepted theory that the killer removed his victims’ vital organs from their bodies at the crime scenes taking them away with him.

Further investigative work would uncover secret Metropolitan Police Special Branch records never before made public in which four new suspects are named and the contents of which eliminate a number of the ‘prime suspects’ who have been continuously investigated.

Trevor Marriott now believes that all of The Whitechapel murders were not committed by the same killer and in fact Jack the Ripper may have been nothing more than a myth created by sensational journalism at the time of the murders... But book your ticket to find out more yourself on the night... if you dare!

Jack The Ripper – A 21st Century Investigation comes to The Mill Theatre next Friday (April 5). For tickets, call 01295 279002.